About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Santiago is the scientific body for the dissemination of the social sciences at the Universidad de Oriente, it is edited by the Department of UO Editions of the Universidad de Oriente and covers topics about all branches of the Social Sciences and related. It publishes serial numbers every four months (January-April, May-August, September-December). Original articles are published continuously in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It is registered in the National Registry of Serial Publications with the RPNS: 2119 and ISSN (electronic): 2227-6513.


Santiago's mission is to publish and disseminate the results of research on various topics: Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Law, History, Art History, Linguistics, Literature, Economy, Pedagogy, Communication, Environment, Social Work, Cultural Studies; Medical Sciences and other scientific areas that conduct social studies. All will be grouped in each number according to the type of article presented.


Santiago's publication policy covers all professionals in the aforementioned sciences with the need to communicate the results of their scientific productions, as well as access it to manage information, new knowledge, collaborate, update or interact; provided that they comply with the current author's instructions and their articles are evaluated and approved by the referees appointed after discussion in the publications commission of the Scientific Council and the

Editorial Committee.

Santiago aims to motivate specialists and researchers in science to develop and improve research and solve problems, as well as increase knowledge in the branches that occupy them.


  • Institutional responsibility
  1. Declaration. When information about the education sector (its activities, missions, organizations, publications) is published in Santiago for public access, there must be a clear responsibility for that content.
  2. Reason. Santiago is a serial publication of the Universidad de Oriente responsible for the visibility of scientific production, so any information that is published must always have institutional and professional support in correspondence with that mission.
  3. Implications. The documents, images or any resource that is published in the journal and that represents any entity must be accompanied, to the best extent possible, by an identification of the responsible organization, the person or those responsible for that entity and the published information.

Backup, validity and maintenance of information and services.

1. Declaration. It is important that the information made public in Santiago by users is adequately supported, maintained and validated by the responsible organization.

2. Reason. Authors must ensure the integrity and authenticity of the information published in Santiago, so that the information of their organization is adequately represented and current policies and regulations are complied with.

3. Implications. To guarantee this principle, compliance with the corporate purpose must be ensured and institutional spaces used to evaluate and authorize the publication. Every document must explicitly state its source, authorship and date of production.

Section Policies

Original articles

• Describe original research results.

• They must constitute a significant contribution in the field of research. Length: 10 to 15 pages, including tables and figures, font: Times New Roman 12 points, 1.5 spacing.

• Number of authors: Up to 4.

• Number of tables and figures: 5 in total

• Number of bibliographic references: More than 10. 

Peer review process

• Impartial, independent and critical evaluation is an intrinsic part of the scientific process and, therefore, should be part of all academic work. The peer evaluation consists of the critical appraisal of the manuscripts by experts with similar knowledge who are not part of the Editorial Committee of the journal Santiago. Peer review helps editors decide which articles to publish while helping authors, reviewers, and editors raise the quality of published contributions.

• This journal conveniently uses double-blind peer review practices as a mechanism to promote quality in the editorial and scientific communication process.

• Santiago suggests readers, authors and reviewers consult the course that is located in the FOSTER Portal, in this way the knowledge about this review model can be expanded.

• The author is informed of the decision of the Editorial Committee once the evaluation period has concluded.

• Once the manuscript is registered, it goes to the review or arbitration process, in which it is taken into account that the Arbitration Group or Reviewers will be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee.

• Two specialized arbitrators will be appointed according to the subject of the manuscript, who will be informed and will be sent the arbitration sheet that can also be downloaded on the site.

• If the arbitrators do not agree on your criteria, a third party will be appointed.

• A form will be used where the criteria and arguments of the arbitration are reflected. This constitutes the arbitration guide.

• The work must be evaluated and its results recorded in the space designated for this purpose within 60 to 90 days.

• Once the result has been received, the referees' suggestions will be reconciled. The Editorial Committee will make the decision to accept the submission without restrictions, communicate the observations and suggestions made.

• The approximate time that an article takes from the moment it is published can be a minimum of three months and a maximum of six months, according to the time it takes for the arbitrators to communicate their decision (Decision that can be received by mail or on the platform).

• The results of the review will be communicated by email to the main author, which may be:

1. Accepted the manuscript. In this case, it will go on to the editing and publication process.

2. Accepted with recommendations. The authors will have 15 days to proceed to develop a new version, taking into account the recommendations of the review process and register it in the same space as the previous one. Once registered, it will go through the review process again. If after 30 days the corrected work is not received, your article is automatically rejected.

3. Rejected. Regarding articles that do not comply with the journal's publication standards.


Open access policy

• Santiago provides immediate Open Access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free and open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. Its content can be accessed freely and universally, at no cost to the reader, through the Internet or any other means

• More information at: http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/translations/spanish-translation

• According to this open access policy, Santiago is published under a license. That is, you are free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; as long as it meets the following terms:

1. -You must appropriately give credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use is endorsed by the licensor.

2. -You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

3. -If you remix, transform or create from the material, you will not be able to distribute the modified material.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. More...

In addition, the Santiago magazine as policies for the preservation of digital files has implemented digital storage and hard drives of the publication, which is carried out every four months, taking into account that the periodicity of the magazine is quarterly.

Publication frequency

Santiago publishes a volume divided into three issues per year, in accordance with a quarterly periodicity (January-April, May-August and September-December), but the articles will be made available continuously to the numbers already published. Aproximatelly 20 articles are published by issue.

Ethical statement and malpractice in publication

The editorial team of the Santiago magazine is committed to guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles published, based on the code of conduct and good practices that the (COPE) defines for editors of scientific journals.This being the case, the authors, referees and managers of the Santiago magazine must comply with the duties and rights that are detailed below:

From the authors:


1. Deliver your manuscripts to publish previously adapted to the author's instructions.

2. Submit your articles based on honest observations or reviews and take public responsibility for their content.

3. Wait patiently for the results of the arbitration during the time allotted for it.

4. Reintegrate the articles modified by suggestions of the referee and the editor in a term not exceeding 15 days, from the moment they are delivered for that purpose.

5. Accept the impartiality and probity of the experts appointed to evaluate the articles.

6. Write to the director of the journal in case of partial or total disagreement with the criteria formulated in the evaluation of the work.


1. Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate through the Internet the version evaluated and accepted for publication (postprint) of the works before their publication, since it favors their circulation and earlier dissemination, can produce interesting exchanges and with this, a possible increase in its citation and reach among the academic community.

2. To protect the dissemination of open content and prevent profit-making exploitation, the authors sign or accept electronically the corresponding formats or conditions to assign the rights of distribution and reproduction of the materials to third parties.

3. The authors will retain the moral and economic rights over the published articles; as well as patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights (including research data) incorporated; what empowers them to:

• Publish the article on the Internet or authorize your institution (or any other appropriate organization) to do the same, immediately from the date of publication in the journal, either within the closed network of the institution, in repositories public access institutions or centrally organized repositories; provided that the version published by THE EDITOR is used and includes a link to the article on the journal's website.

• Reproduce the article, in whole or in part, and disseminate its content, in printed or electronic format, as part of an educational content or as a compilation, for use in the academic or research field of the institution (or any other appropriate organization) to which it belongs to the author.

Of the referees:


1. Review the content of the articles as soon as possible, which should not exceed 15 business days.

2. Consult the bibliographic references available in digital version or of another updated version to evaluate the assigned scientific articles.

3. Waive the arbitration of any scientific document if any conflict of interest with its main author (personal relationships, academic rivalry, intellectual passion or other) could prejudice their opinions on the content.

4. Not to use the information contained in the refereed works to favor their own demands before they are published.

5. Respect copyright (a), which includes not discussing or publicly commenting on the content of unpublished articles or the result of their arbitration.

6. Clearly state what the suggested modifications consist of, if any, or the criteria for rejecting the work.


1. Receive the digital drafts without erasures or arrangements, duly endorsed by the Scientific Council of the corresponding unit and accompanied by the official model for the evaluation of the content.

2. Stay informed about any variation or novelty in the instructions to the authors.

3. Review again the refereed article subject to modifications, in order to corroborate if they were taken into account by the author or the main author.


From those responsible for the magazine:


1. Formally review the article received before delivering it to the referee and return it to the author if it does not meet the established requirements.

2. Guarantee open peer arbitration of the works that meet the established requirements.

3. Consult the author for all doubts, inaccuracies or substantial modifications of the content by the production editors.

4. Personally deliver to the author the results of the arbitration that imply changes in the content or rejection of the document.

5. Process the publication of the works approved by the referees and the publications committee in Santiago.

6. To issue exceptionally, due to urgent needs of scientific or educational interest, previously evaluated by the editor-in-chief, the proof of publication in process, duly signed and minted by the editor of the Santiago magazine, when a work has been selected for the number to edit.


1. Unpublished works are accepted.

2. Select two arbitrators by specialty and dispense with the help of experts who are too delinquent without just cause. Report breaches of the same to the corresponding level.

3. Reject works that it considers inappropriate, propose modifications to the text, eliminate tables and figures, improve the style and eliminate linguistic errors, always respecting the content and counting on the prior acceptance of the author when deemed necessary.

4. Withdraw from the issue in preparation of the journal and place it in a later one, that selected article whose author does not complete certain data requested by the production editor within a period of no more than 72 hours.

5. THE EDITOR undertakes to respect the moral rights of the author and, consequently, to maintain the integrity of the information, safeguarding it from mutilations or modifications other than those necessary for the electronic publication of the work, which generate inaccuracies or violate the image of the magazine or the author.


Conflict of interests

Public confidence in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depends in part on how conflicts of interest are dealt with before and during the editorial process. There is a conflict of interest when an author (or the institution to which he belongs), reviewer or editor presents personal or financial relationships that may interfere or influence their judgments in relation to the preparation, evaluation or publication of a manuscript. If there is a conflict of interest in any of the actors: authors, referees or editors, the director of the journal must be informed in writing immediately. Conflicts related to the protection of intellectual property referred to herein will be subject to the discretion of the competent Cuban authority by virtue of the legislation in force in the Republic of Cuba.

Procedure for action against abnormal behaviors

The complaints and claims that the different interested parties may raise for actions that were considered incorrect and contrary to the principles that inspire this Declaration of Ethics and Malpractice, will be presented to the Editorial Committee of Santiago, or where appropriate to the editor of the publication, at the moment they take place.

The interested party must provide as much information as they have at their disposal in order to facilitate the investigation and analysis of the referred action. Once the necessary information has been collected and analyzed, the Santiago Editorial Committee will assess the measures to be taken, deciding in each case the appropriate way in which the perpetrators of the malpractice and the repercussions of this conduct on the future relationship will be warned. with the same.

Collections and Advertising

In Santiago magazine, the arbitration, editing and publication of contributions are totally free for authors.There is no commercial or lucrative use of any kind, nor does it accept or host advertising for any product, person or service mentioned.

Content Licensing

This work is licensed under an international Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The magazine responds to the Creative Commons license type CC-BY-NC-ND. That is, you are free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; as long as it meets the following terms:

-You must give proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use is endorsed by the licensor.

-You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

-If you remix, transform or build from the material, you will not be able to distribute the modified material.

Plagiarism Policy

• Authors are responsible for the opinions they express in their works and must guarantee that the articles are original and that they have not been submitted for consideration by other publications. In the same way, they assume the responsibility that in the signing authors only those people who have made an intellectually important contribution to the development of the work appear.

• The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) considers that plagiarism includes both the theft and misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed verbatim copy of someone else's work”. "Theft or misappropriation of intellectual property includes the unauthorized use of unique ideas or methods obtained through privileged communication, such as a grant or handwritten review."

• The articles received in Santiago are verified by the editors before and during their publication process using the free software Paper Rater, PlagScan, Plagiarisma and Duplichecker.

It can detect plagiarism in more than 190 languages, uses different search engines and supports a large number of document extensions

.• The reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee can also detect the occurrence of this bad practice.

• If plagiarism is suspected during its review and processing (5-20%), the author will be notified and the article must be modified. If it is greater than 20%, the author (s) must send it again with the new modifications.

• We ask readers to inform the Editorial Committee of Santiago in case of plagiarism detection, by sending to our email (rev.santiago@uo.edu.cu) the title of the article, name (s) of the author (s), volume, number and year of publication.

• Santiago does not encourage plagiarism. Therefore, we recommend reviewing the content of your article before submitting it, as well as careful attention to the use of citations and bibliographic references. 

Magazine sponsors

Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 

About this publishing system

This journal uses Open Journal Systems 3.1.1, which is an open access journal manager and software developed, funded and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project subject to the GNU General Public License.