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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines



  1. General characterization of the Santiago Magazine

 The Santiago magazine is an academic publication with a broad orientation towards the field of social and humanistic sciences, although it admits the theoretical-social foundation of technical science studies.

Due to its profile, it accepts articles, national and foreign, with results of theoretical and applied research on various topics: Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Law, History, Art History, Linguistics, Literature, Economics, Pedagogy, Communication, Environment, Social Work, Cultural Studies; Medical Sciences and other scientific areas that conduct social studies. All will be grouped in each number according to the type of article presented.

It is published every four months, although it also presents monographic and special issues.

Contributions must be original and unpublished works and may not be nominated for other publications or publishing institutions simultaneously, except in the form of summaries of communication to congresses or other scientific meetings, in which case they must be referred. They must comply with the Original Submission Rules.

The review process of the articles is through academic peers, under the double-blind system. In case of disparity of opinions between the referees, the article will be sent to a third expert.

Papers must be uploaded to the journal's website:

If you are not a user of the journal, you must access from:

All authors must have the ORCID identifier. In case you do not have your ORCID, we regret that your article will automatically be rejected.

II. Arbitration processAcademic peer review process.

Double blind system: both reviewers and authors remain anonymous. In case of disparity of opinions between the arbitrators, a third expert will be consulted.

The authors will be informed of the opinion of the evaluators, according to the following notification:

1. Approved without modifications.

2. Approved with optional suggestions.

3. Approved, but subject to mandatory changes (resubmissions).

4. Rejected.

When the work is approved but subject to mandatory changes, the author, after receiving the criteria of the referees, has one month to make the arrangements indicated by the reviewers; subsequently, the work will be returned to the referees for re-evaluation. Only three resubmissions will be accepted.Later, the work will go to editing.

III. Presentation format

1) The articles will be presented in Spanish and English (maximum 15 words) in a Microsoft Word document.

2) They will have an extension of between 10 and 15 numbered pages, including graphs, tables, footnotes and bibliographic references. Line spacing 1.5, Times New Roman font, 12 points, letter size. All margins 2.5 cm. Justified text.

3) In case of using tables, graphs or images, they must appear after the paragraph in which they are cited (the tables and graphs must comply with those established in the APA standards, seventh edition). They will be numbered consecutively.                        

a. Item types

The author must declare the type of article he is submitting:

1) Review articles: They examine the bibliography of a discipline in a deep and rigorous way to reflect the historical evolution of a disciplinary area, compare information on a topic, synthesize results, conclusions, etc. The bibliographic review must have a minimum of 25 references.

2) Essays: In this type of work, particular ideas and points of view are argued on a topic of interest. They should preferably offer the state of knowledge of the analyzed object or area of ​​study; Or, allow the identification of relationships, contradictions or inconsistencies and propose solutions for further research.

3) Research articles: Works in which general or partial results of an original research are disclosed. This study aims to provide an answer to a question (s) of inquiry and thereby expand knowledge regarding this topic.


The magazine also has a section dedicated to book reviews. The reviews are contributions corresponding to the review of books published in the last three years, on topics related to the profile of the journal. Reviews will preferably be critical and will not exceed five pages. They should be headed with the complete data of the work, including number of pages and ISBN. An image must be attached with the cover of the book in .jpg format.

  1. Structure of the articles

All contributions must contain the following "auxiliary texts" on the first page:

  • Title in Spanish and English (15 words. APA Standards).
  • Names and surnames of the author or authors, with academic title, academic category, and scientific degree of each one, if they have one. They must include the ORCID code. The journal limits the number of authors to 4. If there are more authors, they must specify the reason for that number.
  • Institution of affiliation of the author or authors (full name, city and country).
  • Email of all authors.
  • Abstracts in Spanish and English (Abstract), with a length between 100 and 150 words, in a single paragraph. It must express the objectives of the investigation, methods or procedures used and the main results.
  • Keywords in Spanish and English (Keywords), below each corresponding abstract (between 3 and 7 words).

The essays will present introduction, development and conclusions, these parts will be explicitly stated. They can be structured in sections.

The research and review articles will present the following structure:

  • Introduction. The presentation of the problem or object of study and the objective of the research, which synthesizes the logical foundation of the study, why it is carried out, its importance, usefulness and relevance (justification). It details the bibliographic review process on the subject and its current status (theoretical foundation). It must be scientifically current (the 40% of the references must be from the last 5 years).
  • Methods or methodology. When required, the methods used are based on the proposed objectives and the object of the investigation. Define the type of research or study, period and place. Define the study population or group, as well as the inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria. Describe the criteria and justification for the selection of the sample if required. The variables analyzed must be clearly described. Clearly state the information gathering and processing and analysis methods that were used. The statistical method must be appropriate according to the type of study. It must comply with the principle of being able to be reproduced by other researchers. Declare the particular ethical aspects for the study.
  • Results and Discussion. The results clearly present the achievements of the study. In the discussion, the results are contextualized in the disciplinary area and compared with previous research, highlighting the progress made or rectifying concepts already used by other authors. In the discussion, the authors must carry out a critical analysis of the study results in light of the works published by other researchers in the national and international area. Explain the scope and limitations of the results achieved. Describe the possible applicability and generalizability of the results.
  • Clonclusions.
  • Bibliographic references. They constitute the list of documentary sources used or cited that appear referenced in the body of the article, and not the bibliography consulted by the author. They will be arranged alphabetically. For the presentation of citations and bibliographic references, the norms dictated according to the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the Psychological Association of the United States of America (APA) will be followed. Authors must have at least two references to articles published in journals indexed in SCOPUS. 
  • Conflicts of interest. Whether or not there are conflicts of interest between the authors or with others regarding the article.
  • Authorship contribution. The participation of each author. What has each one done?



To cite in this magazine, you must use the APA standards 7th edition.

You can access the site:


The final result of the journal can be consulted online.

Editorial Coordination Santiago magazine

Faculty of Social Sciences

Oriente University

Santiago de Cuba

Copyright notice

The copyright will remain with the author until the number with his article is published, then it goes to the Casa Editorial Universitaria, Ediciones UO.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. The magazine responds to the Creative Commons license type CC-BY-NC-ND.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

The published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona. Los artículos publicados son responsabilidad de sus autores.

Implementation of the APA standards, seventh edition 2020. The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or person. Published articles are the responsibility of their authors.