
Dear authors, as of September 2020, to publish in the Santiago magazine of the Ediciones UO publishing house of the Universidad de Oriente, all authors must have the ORCID identifier. In case you do not have your ORCID, we regret that your article will automatically be rejected.

 The ORCID code (in English "Open Researcher and Contributor ID", in Spanish Open Identifier of Researcher and Collaborator), is an alphanumeric, non-commercial code that uniquely identifies scientists and academic authors. Authors who lack this personal identifier are kindly invited to register for free at

 e-ISSN: 2227-6513


Implementation of APA standards, seventh edition 2020.


 The American Psychological Association (APA) announced the publication of the seventh edition of the Publications Manual in October 2019. As of January 2020, this bibliographic style will begin to be implemented in all scientific publications of the Editorial Universitaria. It is important for authors to know that among the most important changes included in this version are: the geographic location of the publisher is no longer necessary; DOI tag for scientific journal articles is not used, they are now displayed as a URL; it is not necessary to add “Recovered from” from the websites, unless a retrieval date is needed, only the URL is added at the end; the number of authors in a reference has changed, up to 20 must be included before names are omitted; all citations in the text with three or more authors are shortened to the last name of the first author plus the Latin phrase “et al” (and others).