Cultural Dimension of the Communist Party in Manzanillo (1925-1935)


  • MSc. Aida Mercedes Sera-Fernández Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma


The present research work, a partial result of a scientific project, allows an approach to the activity of  Manzanillo  communists during  the stage from 1925 to 1935.  Its main  objective is to demonstrate the cultural dimension of the Communist Party in the region of Manzanillo  within the historical context of the Revolution of the 30, starting from the analysis of two important factors: the cultural inheritance and the cultural contribution of the historical phenomenon in their condition of human work. The resulting  theoretical approaches  made it easier  to understand the necessity of a historical-graphical approach  that  assumes  the  dimension  of that  historical event and the considerable epistemological, cultural and scientific reasons associated to the historical science.

Keywords: cultural dimension, Communist Party, Manzanillo.




