Vengeful, Submissive, Altruistic and Cruel Killer: The Character of the Mother in the Tragedies of Euripides


  • Dr. Ronald Antonio Ramírez-Castellanos Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


In this article, it is carried out a study of the character of the mother in the plays of Euripides, one of the most important tragedians of the classical culture. It is seen, from the prosophographic and etopeica characteristics of Hecuba, Medea, Andromache and Etra, constant and most significant
changes for defining how he designed the character of the mother and his mark on the edeotetico development of the works analyzed:  Las troyanas,  Hécuba,  Andrómaca,  Las suplicantes  y Medea. The content analysis of each word is used as a method to elucidate the personological aspects that distinguish the selected characters. This work contributes to develop  studies about philology and classical tradition, as part of the scientific research project on the theme that runs the author.
Keywords:  female character, mother, Hecuba, Andromache, Medea, Etra, tragedy, Euripides.




