The Aesthetic Formative Process: Experiences from Basic Education School “Vicente Ramón Roca”, in Ecuador


  • MSc. Carmen Lucia Yance-Campos Escuela de Educación Básica “Vicente Ramón Roca”
  • Dra.C. Julia Esther Céspedes-Acuña Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Frank País García”, Santiago de Cuba
  • Dr.C. Jorge Montoya-Rivera Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


The formative process in the Basic General Education has a double function as long as it cooperates to the professional's formation and a road becomes for the work that this it must face in the diverse educational contexts where they will be presented, however,  to elevate the quality of the same one it is required the professors to become creative agents, and show originality, imagination and expressiveness in its performance what demands preparation and a high cultural level, in such way that the delivery is certified to the suitable and venturesome society of people; however, to achieve this it is imposed to solve in first order the priorities that subsist in the plane of the educational work in one of their edge; the formative thing aesthetic. To achieve this it is imposed to solve in first order the priorities that subsist in the plane of the educational work in one
of their edges: the formative thing aesthetic. The use of technical of the empiric level allowed to verify the reality in the center Vicente Ramón  Rock in Ecuador, base for the improvement of the formative process.
Keywords: aesthetics, aesthetic activity, aesthetic formative process, aesthetic experiences.






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