Social Responsibility of the University of Cotopaxi Facing the Demands of the Development in the Ecuador


  • MSc. Ángel Francisco Esquivel-Valverde Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Dra.C. Rosario León-Robaina Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Dra.C. Graciela Castellanos-Pallerols Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


The social responsibility of the universities is to guarantee the access to knowledge of high level, new methods and development forms, as well as to technology of last generation, having the moral obligation and ethics of increasing the quality of its systems through the improvement of the administration of the university processes. For it the implementation of a model of administration of the knowledge in the State University of Cotopaxi (UTC) that propitiates the recognition from the society to the results that the university generates it constitutes a necessity and a priority for the institution and its authorities that its gives answer to the demands that the society generates and the execution of the responsibility social university. In this address ours thinks about the necessity of a theoretical reflection on the contradictions that impact in the relevancy of the superior education and the list of the UTC in the Ecuadorian context of development.
Keywords:  knowledge, university impact, university relevancy, social commitment, generation knowledge.




