Challenges of Bioethics opposite to contemporary global problems: The case of Latin America


  • Lic. Aymée Rodríguez-Aradas Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • MSc. Luis Alberto Montoya-Acosta Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil


The term bioethics has been highly spread in the scientific society since its appearance in the middle of the 20th century. It is being assumed by scientists and intellectuals of different knowledge branches who have worked to clarify its heterogeneous approaches which lead the themes, proposals and concerns of different academic circles. The present paper has as objective to make an analysis of the features of the development
of bioethics in Latin America, as well as the problems it is facing today,  for which theoretical methods as the analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive  were  used. In addition, empirical methods such as content  analysis,  documental bibliographic research  were reviewed  to get a closed  approach to the principal criteria that  on this topic  are  debated  today  in our context.
Keywords:  Bioethics, social responsibility, philosophy, ethics, scientific knowledge.




