Estrategia específica, breve e integrada para la atención psicoterapéutica de pacientes oncológicos terminales


  • MSc. Joaquín Gómez-del-Castillo Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


Contradictions exist among the right to the dignity, the oncological terminal patient’s psychic state and the resources to give them attention. This work presents a solution proposal. The objective consists in: to create a Specific Brief and Integrated psicotherapéutic strategy that causes favorable changes in short term on the emotional state, with economy of human resources.

It is based on a model of psicotherapeutic integration with resources of recognizedl systems. The method is sustained on the personal history, the life sense and the project of life, to drive to the revaluation of the past life, the discovery of current well-being and the short term life plan, causing cognitive, affective and behavioral changes that improve the quality of life during the time of survival and strengthen the worthy confrontation of the moment of the death. Achievements in real cases worked in the qualitative methodology and the clinical method are presented.
Keywords. psichooncology, tanatology, psychotherapy, integration, quality of life.




