Evaluación de políticas sociales y personas con discapacidad


  • MSc. Osmanys Soler-Nariño Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


The work intends to offer an evaluation proposal to the social politic toward people with disability from a relational sociological perspective. The evaluation toward the disability constitutes a critical, participatory and relational process. The social integration and the evaluation of the social politics that are designed for this social group should be articulated from the integration of the macro objective levels and micro subjective. This way of evaluating would allow to interrelate the social micro where people are located with disability, their necessities and aspirations and the social macro. The main decisions in the attention to this social group take in the level macro and they are evaluated in that same level.

Key words: evaluation, social politics, disability, social integration,
relational sociological perspective.






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