La transformación del modelo económico cubano


  • Dr.C. Euclides Catá-Guilarte Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Sociología, Universidad de la Habana, Habana


The article refers to different moments of the development of the Cuban economic model, the background of the reform of 2010 and its systematization. The changes that took place, the measures, norms and principles that support them, which can be of interest for teaching purposes as well as for research. The centrality of the enterprise system in the implementation and its display.The reorganization of labor and the forms of non-state employment. The role of self-employment in the reorganization of labor and the need to consider in the juridical area the rights and duties of those employed by others among enterprises of production and service and the self-employed workers. The non-agricultural cooperatives as a form of social production.

Key Words: economic model, enterprise improvement, enterprise system, non-agricultural cooperatives, self-employment work.




