La formación investigativa en postgrado: una herramienta transformadora


  • MSc. Bertha E. Figuera-García Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional (UNEFA), Sucre


In recent decades, the debate on the future of higher education has been present throughout the world. The recognition of the strategic importance of education as a fundamental means to achieve higher levels of sustainable development of societies, has led experts, researchers and academics to propose reforms and rethinking strategies to achieve it. Prepare to meet these challenges, means to undertake a process of transformation and change of the University. Identify opportunities and strengths that must take advantage, recognize weaknesses and threats which are overcome, specify the challenges and challenges you must face and build the new scenarios that enable such a transformation. The Sucre
UNEFA-core has been focused on trying to develop high-level research through research training, promoting innovative and investigative spirit of the students of postgraduate programmes.

Keywords: research training, postgraduate, university education, scientific degree, UNEFA.




