Creative tourism. A differentiating proposal for the promotion of the tourist destination Santiago de Cuba.


  • Kirenis Milian Borges Universidad de oriente
  • Rubén F. Maymir-Pacheco Universidad de oriente

Palabras clave:

Turismo creativo, actores sociales, destino turístico, desarrollo local


The tourist destination Santiago de Cuba is characterized by the development of the traditional modality of sun and beach, nature, history, heritage, as well as cultural and city tourism (Ministry of Tourism, 2019). The latter is one of the main sources of motivation for international tourists who arrive in the city. However, there is no differentiating proposal for the destination in relation to other destinations in the region, by offering events and cultural itineraries, which need to be rethought from the sociocultural values that characterize it as a welcoming destination given the idiosyncrasy of its people. The markedly Caribbean cultural expressions; intangible heritage values that make it stand out among the destinations of the eastern region and the rest of the country's tourist cities. In this way, the bases are offered to promote the work of integration of the social actors linked to tourism and consequently, the weighting of the attributes of the destination.


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2023-05-05 — Actualizado el 2023-05-17





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