Migration and poetry in Spanish as a Foreign Language Lessons. Proposal of a textual analisys


  • Ana María Guerra-Casanellas Universidad de Oriente
  • Irina Bidot-Martínez



The fact that language allows to build a vision of the world constitutes a common knowledge since it builds signs and shared meanings, a bigger entity: culture. The present paper aims at identifying and analyzing the textual and pragmalinguistic resources that allow the determination of the linguistic prints that mark subjectivities in an emigrated woman. The study takes as a piece of analysis the Cuban writer Lourdes Casal’s poem. A methodology is assumed that aims at two perspectives. One that arises from the pragmatic-semantic field and another directed to a totalizing interpretation of the text to embrace the knowledge of this, from their explanation and interpretation. All it within Spaniard's tuitional process like foreign language.


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