The ethic dimension in the cosmovisión of Antonio Maceo and the Cuban ethic knowledge of 20th century. ¿Enrichment or symbiosis?


  • Dra. María Julia Jiménez-Fiol Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Dra. Lídice Duany-Destrade Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


The work presented here aims at the realization of a comparative analysis of the ethical dimension of the thought of Antonio Maceo, identified from the systematization of his works, and the distinctive features of the national liberation ethic  characterized by Chavez  Antunez. An exhaustive  analysis of  these  elements allowed to conclude  that  Antonio  Maceo possesses  all the  theoretical  merits  to be included  among the representatives of  this ethic,  also pointing out  that not only coincide  with  their  basic  postulates,  but  in some respects  made valuable  contributions,  enriched  the case of  the assumption of the independentist option from a more  radical  view  on the basis of  a profound practical  humanism  and  solidarity  with  the most
general human suffering.

Keywords:  Antonio  Maceo,  Ethical dimension,  world view, values, thought, ethics national liberation




