The University Extension in the Pedagogic Careers from the Context of the Integrative Main Discipline


  • MSc. Milagros Gutiérrez-Sánchez Filial Pedagógica Municipal Santiago de Cuba
  • MSc. Adailsis Jerez-Aguilar Filial Pedagógica Municipal Santiago de Cuba


Presently work is valued the importance of guaranteeing the integration of all the components and processes of the student's of pedagogic careers formation through the investigative labor formation, taking like a necessary alternative the university extension in the microuniversidades, since it is the scenario where they are developed most of the processes of the Pedagogic Universities and where through the action of the students in formation irradiates the culture that its social responsibility has assigned him. The proposed actions contribute to the development of a culture in the students, keeping in mind their performance ways in two fundamental
areas: curricular formation work methodological and overcoming investigation, propitiating the active and systematic insert of the students in the activities through the interrelation that settles down with the tutor and all the agents that intervene in their formation.

Keywords: integration, formation, university extension, microuniversidades.




