Challenges of Social Sciences in the XXI Century. A View from the Policy Marxist Economics


  • Dr. Arturo Moréns-Chillón Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • MSc. Francisco Mediaceja-Hierrezuelo Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


In the knowledge society and information sciences face new social challenges, including the need for a more humanistic vision committed to its current context, going beyond the traditional academic and research processes. In the Cuban revolutionary practice, authentic source where theory is enriched, speaking of an update of the economic model, but no
debate on political economy, nor taken into account in the analyzes. However, it is argued that positive outcomes are expected from the ideology where the economy is the locomotive and guide that process. This paper is an approach to the problem and the exposure of a number of elements that must be taken into account when talking about teaching and research of political economy and social science and its place in the construction of a prosperous socialism and sustainable.

Keywords:  political economy, social science teaching, Cuban economic model, prosperous and sustainable socialism.




