Paradojas de la interculturalidad en la formación del estudiante-maestro del Ecuador


  • Dr. Jorge V. Andrade-Santamaría Universidad Estatal de Bolívar
  • Dra. Dalia de J. Rodríguez-Bencomo Centro de Estudio de Educación Superior "Manuel F. Gran." Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


The analysis of multiculturalism is the subject of this study. It is emphasizing its importance and the challenges it faces from its paradoxical dimension. The study is done by qualitative methodology and aims to reveal the social contradictions in the field of Higher Education in Ecuador -especially UEB- hinder the full and effective enjoyment of multiculturalism as a way of making collective efforts supported in the dialogue of knowledges and promoting synergistic , productive and harmonious relations between different cultures. As main results: the systematization of some ideas about interculturality, such as: its polysemous character, its condition of potential resource of harmonious, fair and synergistic relations among different cultures; finally, a paradoxical character of interculturality in UEB, expressed by means of legal, political, cultural and ethical contradictions needed to overcome the
pedagogical practic.

Keywords: multiculturalism, cultural diversity, identity, contradictions, knowledge dialogue




