La gestión formativa cultural de la virtualización en la Universidad Estatal de Bolívar


  • Dra. Edelmira L. Guevara-Iñiguez Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Gestión Empresarial e Informática Guaranda, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar


This paper deals with controversial elements of universitary virtualization in Ecuadorian reality, particularly in UEB. It emphasizes on its dimension of challenge as a great motivation for a real formative management. Its solution contributes to a better impact of university on society. This research updates with demands of quality in universitary process towards new technological challen-ges. It is based on qualitative methodology. Its objective is to analyze different social contradictions shown in the training mana-gement of universitary virtualization process in State University of Bolívar. The main results are related to systematization of ele-ments characterized the state of real advances of virtualization of UEB, and analysis of contradictions that limit a good development of training management of virtualization in the institution mentioned before.
Keywords: cultural virtualization, teaching, formative manage-ment, contradictions, technological information.




