Tendencias históricas del proceso de formación permanente de los docentes de educación básica superior


  • MSc. Silvia M. Sarmiento-Berrezueta Unidad Educativa del Milenio "Paiguara"
  • Dr. C. Jorge Montoya-Rivera Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Dra. C. María Reyna-González Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


This article analize the historical process of ongoing formation of teachers in apper education levels in Ecuador schools, this provides the understanding and interpretation of one of the escential aspects that are targeted by the reforms and changes in the contry. Adress this historical process can recognize the passage of the process before and leads to pointed out the experiences and the action to take for the present. To achieve this goal were taken in consideration criteria indicators and the application of logical method from a historico-scientific conception.
Keywords: history, process, continuing education, method, trans-formation.






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