Historical Analysis of the Teaching-Learning Process in Biology in Junior High School


  • MSc. Yolexis Roberta Cardona-Soberao Universidad de Camagüey


Through the epistemic contradiction between the conception of the biological content´s nature acquisition based on the theory-practice relation and the demands in relation to the scientific formation of the students, firstly it was necessary to determine the historical tendencies of the teaching-learning process of the biology in the Cuban pre university education. This historical-tendential analysis has the  management  of the  biological knowledge  of the nature as the main goal by means of the
practical activity. The historical-logical, analytical-  synthetic and the analysis of documents were used in the realization of this  investigation. Five indicators were determined and four stages were characterized in this article. Finally, the current tendencies of the teaching-learning process of the biology in the Cuban pre university education are presented.

Keywords:  historical analysis,  process of teaching-learning, Biology, practical activity, tendencies.




