Fundamentos del proceso de formación profesional en entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje, desde un enfoque psicológico


  • MSc. Henrry G. Tapia-Molina Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC) "Juan Abel Echeverría"
  • Dra. C. María E. Pardo-Gómez Centro de Estudios de Educación Superior "Manuel F. Gran", Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Dr. C. José M. Izquierdo-Lao Centro de Estudios de Educación Superior "Manuel F. Gran", Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


This work pursues as main objective, to meditate theoretically about the essentials psychological elements that characterize the professional formation process in virtual environments of teaching learning (EVEA), in way of contributing to the improvement of the work in this environments. In the work it is used the analysis-synthesis like theoretical method mainly and in the same one it becomes special emphasis in the distinctive aspects of the learning in virtual environments, as well as important psychological categories
are analyzed that allow to interpret better the professional formation process in this environments, such as the cognitive styles, the cognitive interactivity, the learning strategies and the learning helps, among others.
Key words: professional formation, learning, virtual environ-ments, learning strategies, psychological categories.




