Territorial management in the Salinas canton by SARSCOV- 2/COVID-19 and its social cohesion


  • Benjamín Wilson León-Valle Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Alexandra Elizabeth Yépez-Vera Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena


SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, development, cohesion, management


The disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome
virus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) revealed in the Ecuadorian territory that
traditional development models lack reaction capacity and cohesion
among the constituent elements of the State, resulting in consequently
of a method-epistemic rupture, causing with it, that the activities
inherent to the operationalization, instrumentalization, and application
of the development model are not aligned with the government
plans. This research proposes determining territorial management in
the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 context and social cohesion in the canton. The applied methodology is based on the qualitative-quantitative paradigm, the scope being the descriptive study to specify characteristics, properties, and profiles of the groups, communities, and citizens involved in the analysis, considering that the land management model is built through from the new living conditions of the population.


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