A glance to Chalguayacu´s vernacular housing
vernacular housing, afroecuatorians, tipology, safeguard's politics.Abstract
The community of Chalguayacu, Valley of the Chota, Ibarra, Ecuador, conserves a score of properties that are erected as example of an architecture type conceived starting from the use of local materials as the adobe, the stone, the wood and the mud for a population's afro ecuatorians room dedicated to the agriculture. For the conception of this work we do leave of the following question: which the distinctive characteristics of the vernacular housing of Chalguayacu are? This village from its emergence was tributary of this tipology but it experienced an evolution associated to an economic situation that also suffered changes. It is houses of rectangular plant and simple facade with covered to four waters and cement floors, located to the long of the streets, result of the fork of the indigenous element with the african-american one and some hispanic contribution. Today they are in danger of disappearing given the non existence of safeguard's politics.References
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Copyright (c) 2017 Miguel Edmundo Naranjo-Toro, Diana María Cruz-Hernández
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