Black Voices: Comparative Study on the Ideological Manifestations of the Female Valuating Subjects’ Discourse in Poems by Phillis Wheatley, Frances E.W. Harper and Rita Dove


  • Yadelys Garriga-Cruz Universidad de La Habana


discourse, ideology, modality, semantics.


This article portrays the results of a doctoral research, which provides a critical perspective of the ideologically motivated poetic discourse written by three African American women from different centuries (XVIII, XIX and XX): Phillis Wheatley, Frances E. W. Harper and Rita Dove. By analyzing their work, we can have a broader insight of the ideological path African American women had to undertake from early ages until the emergence of the 20th century Black Feminist Movement.  The author proposes a merged perspective of critical ideological discourse analysis and semantic dimensional analysis, in keeping with the line of research conducted by the Group of Semantic and Discourse Studies, School of Foreign Languages, University of Havana. Additionally, the author decided to introduce the triangulation procedures to holistically approach the different contexts.


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