Marx: the law and the emancipathory reason


  • Iván Colás-Carlés Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba


emancipatory reason, domination instrument, juridical speech, universal and particular.


The fundamental reason of this study resides in the necessity of vindication to young Marx's approach, regarding the law as superestructural phenomenon of social control, and its apparent impossibility of being constituted in an effective tool of social emancipation, to be an instrument of control of the dominant class. This aspect has been defended systematically for many Marxists and non-Marxists, and that it has become in reason of isolation of the law regarding the rest of the social sciences. This research is aided by the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge in the study and understanding of Marxian work in its link with law and emancipatory reason. This article brings a new rationality of freedom to increase the epistemological status of the positivism, based only in the normative structure.  


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