Mediation in free legal assistance: a possibility to improve the ecuadorian legal system


  • Patricio Jaime Vargas-Rodríguez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador
  • José Jesús Albert-Márquez Universidad de Córdoba, España


Conflict, Conciliation, Mediation, Free Justice


The transition towards a new culture for the management of conflicts and justice requires adopting decisions conducive to overcoming the traditional conceptions of litigation, installing the issue in the practice of the new social paradigms. This proposal is based on an approach on the need to incorporate the mediation service as an alternative method for conflict resolution to free legal assistance. It is a study that explains the possibility that people who require it have the means to exercise in mediation practices or facilitators for intrajudicial or extrajudicial conciliation in conflicts that the law admits as susceptible to solution through alternative methods. A review of the regulations that support this article is made and the arguments that support it are exposed. The work is based on a materialized fact and verifiable existence that fulfill the double function of giving free legal assistance to people who request it.


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