The (ICT) in the training of the Law Degree
asesoramiento jurídico, entorno agrario –estrategia didácticaAbstract
The Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba goes through a process of updating and improving its training system. The members of the Project: Strengthening the Sciences of Education at the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", have detected difficulties in legal advice in the agricultural environment, since the articulation of Information Technologies and Communication to the training of the Law Degree. The objective of this presentation is to present a didactic strategy for the formation of the Law Degree in the agricultural environment applying technology. The general method used is the Census Criterion. The model used is the case study since a specific sample of Law Degree from the Group specialized in Agrarian Law of the Provincial Company of Legal Services of Sancti Spíritus is analyzed. This is an investigation based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative ones in the form of participatory observations, and the quantitative ones obtained from structured interviews with the Law Graduates of the Group specialized in Agrarian Law, their study and description of the documentation. The main theoretical result is the structuring of a didactic strategy and the main practical result is the development achieved by Law graduates in learning the contents of Agrarian Law.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jorge Félix Gual-Ramos, Elia Mercedes Fernández-Escanaverino, Eldis Román Cao
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