Experiences of cubans adolescents with chronic renal disease in the final stage about the school sphere
experiences, schooling, adolescent, chronic kidney diseaseAbstract
The research developed aims to contribute to the insufficient knowledge that exists about the effects that school-age subjects suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) have in the social sphere and its repercussions on the psychosocial dimension. From December 2022 to May 2023, at the Hospital Infantil Norte of Santiago de Cuba, a qualitative, exploratory study was carried out, which aimed to characterize the experiences of adolescents with CKD regarding the school sphere, through the study of multiple cases. It worked with a non-probabilistic intentional sample of 3 cases, of the 6 that constituted the universe. It was studied the experience category through documentary review, interview, observation, the Ten Wishes technique, thematic drawing and content analysis. To increase the reliability and validity of the study, the data found were triangulated.
The interruption of the school activity of these subjects within educational institutions was identified, due to the worsening of their health, which affects the satisfaction of their interests and social needs, recognition and self-realization. They express dissatisfaction with this situation, as they maintain the motivation to continue their studies directly in schools or the hospital, generating conflicts with their caregivers and distancing themselves from their peers from whom they perceive themselves to be physically and intellectually different. These experiences cause them feel anger, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, loneliness and boredom. They also apply autonomous strategies related to their personal characteristics, but these strategies fail to completely counteract the psychosocial repercussions of their problems regarding to school sphere.
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