Analysis of the critical thought from a general bibliographi-cal study. a contribution to the context educational peruvian
Capacity, reasoning, methodology and educational strategies.Abstract
This study analyzes the scientific evidence on critical thinking in Europe
and Latin America between 2021 and 2023. The PRISMA approach
and Scopus were used as a search source. The findings highlight the direct connection between critical thinking and education, influenced by
external factors and teaching work. Strategies such as the combination
of practice and metacognition, STEAM projects, problem-based lear-ning and teaching in specific areas are considered beneficial to foster
critical thinking. The importance of motivation, learning methodolo-gies, teacher leadership and a democratic classroom environment is em-phasized. Critical thinking is also relevant in the analysis of discourses
in social networks to combat misinformation. In conclusion, this re-search aims to highlight the importance of critical thinking in education
and provide effective strategies to promote it.
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