The social vulnerability in communities of new formation in the city of Santiago from Cuba
vulnerabilidad social, factores sociales, comunidades de nueva formación.Abstract
The article carries out an analysis of problem of the social vulnerability in the mark of certain communities that you/they are characterized by its new conformation with residents coming from communities with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, with factors of risk in the behavior of the same ones. It is still revealed as the traffic to new communities when they improve the socioeconomic conditions of life, they continue carrying conditions of social vulnerability, before the lack of capacity and it makes aware of the community ones in the solution of their problems of social coexistence. They are analyzed a group of factors that you/they impact in the prevalencia of the social vulnerability with the use of a triangular methodology.References
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Copyright (c) 2018 Tamara Caballero-Rodríguez, Omar Guzmán-Miranda
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