Teaching materials in the Language Classes: criteria for their selection, production and evaluation
Education; Teaching Materials; Foreign Languages.Abstract
The results of the study that analyzed the criteria used by teachers of Languages in the selection, production and evaluation of Teaching Materials (TM) in their classroom contexts, in different Institutes of Teacher Training of Argentina are presented. The objectives were to investigate assumptions and implicit conceptions when making the selection of teaching materials and analyze production / elaboration and evaluation strategies. A cross-sectional descriptive design was adopted based on a survey and interview study, where 83 teachers of Languages - maternal and foreign - from institutions of Higher Non-University Level, State Management responded. Some conclusions: a) The criteria used to select the TM were accessibility, update, authenticity, complexity, interactivity, relevance, transversality; b) The TM should promote a higher level of student participation; c) Before TM who do not meet the requirements, teachers prepare their TM; d) Intercultural dialogue in the TMs is not always present.
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