The Pedagogic Evaluation in the Development of the Teaching Educational Process
pedagogic evaluation, self-assessment, coevaluation, group evaluation, educational effect.Abstract
It is vitally important to make good use of the paper that can play the pedagogic evaluation in any professional's formation, because he is it has between his shows not only to rear the pupil from the point of view of knowledge, but also from the point by sight affective, ethical and social, which is why the objective of this investigation is basing the importance of the interrelation between the pupil's learning and the educator's pedagogic work, what is possible with the interaction that he becomes manifest among themselves, in order to achieve that this process have an educational effect in the pupils, when having like elements Dinamizadores the self-assessment, coevaluation and the group evaluation, for which the historic logical method, the documentary analysis and the pedagogic observation were used.Downloads
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